Saturday, May 29, 2010

Gersemi Fashion Designer

Imagine yourself in the ethereal world of Scandinavian deity. At the heart of this world is Gerstein; beautiful - in fact so stunning that the Scandinavian race chose to use her name to describe riches or treasure.

Blonde and beautiful, tall and untouchable and with great inner strength she learnt a great deal from her family. Daughter of the god Frejya she inherited her mother’s great beauty and strength. Her mother Frejya was queen of the Valkyries and the goddess of love, fertility and desire. Her palace was a haven for the injured warriors of battle - but only the good looking ones.

Although Frejya was a feisty warrior this was tempered by her love for nature and all things beautiful. These traits she passed onto Gersemi - her jewel of a princess.

Gersemi inherited her mother’s love for nature and flowers. Her innate love for horses came from her mother’s ride with the Valkyries into battle, but Gersemi preferred to embrace the serenity and strength that horses bring, to all who are touched by them.

Gersemi is now the equestrian fashion brand with a passion for quality, making people feel confidently stylish. Gersemi promises outstanding quality and design.

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