Sunday, May 30, 2010

Rahul Reddy Fashion Designer

Fashion designer Rahul Reddy completed his graduation in 2001, from the National Institute of Fashion Technology, New Delhi. Fashion designer Rahul Reddy went for a one year time period, to the London College of Printing, London. After arriving to India, Fashion designer Rahul Reddy worked with Rajesh Pratap Singh and continued to work for three years, as his assistant. Fashion designer Rahul Reddy commenced his label "Rahul Reddy", in November 2005.He has worked with many other Indian fashion designers like Vivek Kumar, Rimzim Dadu and Shilpa Chavan in different fashion shows.

The label of Fashion designer Rahul Reddy put on the markets from Cinnamon, ensemble, Evoluzione, Maiah, White, Zaya, 85 Lansdowne, L'affaire in India and from Sun Motoyama in Japan.

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