Saturday, May 29, 2010

Idom By Modi Soondarotok Fashion Designer

Founded in 2006 by designer Modi Soondarotok, IDOM is a Portland-based fashion boutique specializing in fashionable clothing with an in-house label of the same name. A native of Bangkok, Thailand, Modi moved to United States at the age of 12. Her zeal for fashion eventually led her to New York City where she studied and graduated from the acclaimed Parsons School of Design. While enrolled at Parsons, Modi broadened her expertise by earning positions in highly selective fashion programs in both London and Paris. With the valuable experience she gained working for such world-renowned designers as Peter Som, Twinkle, Donna Karan, and most recently Armani in New York City, Modi moved to Oregon in 2006 to launch her own fashion line. An experienced traveler, Modi draws inspiration from her travels to Egypt, Israel, Australia, Europe and Asia in her work. Artists Miro, Rothko and architect Frank Gehry also influence her designs. She has creatively fused her fascination with architecture and painting with her background in design, pattern making and illustration.She has been the participant of different fashion weeks like secially in Portland Fashion Week.

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