Saturday, January 8, 2011

Shoe Shopping Tips

At first we, women, buy uncomfortable but very beautiful shoes. Then, after suffering from blisters, abrasions, and pain in joints, we blame ourselves for this excessive suffering, hide the shoes for better times, and wear the old, worn-out, and comfortable ones.

Quality of shoes

In order to prevent similar disappointments, it is important to remember that the key of good quality shoes hides in comfort and practicality. Before trying the pair of shoes on, you need to carefully inspect each shoe at the toe and the heel. Leather in those spots has to be flexible and elastic, especially on the heel. You can slightly press the heel and the toe to check how comfortable the shoe will be – dents on high quality and well treated leather will completely disappear on their own. Next, feel the same areas thoroughly. Inside edges of toes and heels should not be felt from the outside. At the same time, the inside edge of the heel should not be sharp or curved inward.

Sole and lining

Next, lets check the sole and curvature in order to determine whether there is a metal instep-raiser. Poor quality sole can crack due to wear and tear. The inside part of the heel should not be too firm. The footprint should be anatomically similar to the shape of the foot. Pay attention to the lining, since dark lining can leave stains on your feet. If you can not resist buying such shoes, then make sure to buy appropriate shoe spray as well.

How to properly try the shoes on

Finally, lets try those shoes on. It is very important to find the right size, so make sure to try both shoes on before making your final decision. Shift your weight from heel to toes in order to check if there is enough room for toes. Sales people often note that shoes will break in as you wear them. Such claims may be true, but keep in mind that you will be the one breaking those shoes in. Wearing small shoes is definitely not fun. Yet, at the same time, do go to the other extreme- overly loose or big shoes will not look good on your feet. Moreover, once your feet get too much space in one pair of shoes, they will ”refuse” to fit into narrower ones.

Wear the shoes at home

Wear the shoes at home after you buy them, this way you will be able to double check whether you made the right decision. If you find something wrong with the new pair of shoes you will be able to return or exchange them. The default warranty period on shoes is 30 days, but some manufacturers extend this period. It is a good idea to ask the seller about the warranty period before making the purchase.

Choose the right height of heel

Pay particular attention to the height of the heel. Heels up to five centimeters high are safe for women’s health. The optimum height of heels for men is 1.5 centimeters. If you have to walk a lot, then it is better to opt for practical shoes in neutral or non-staining color, without straps or decorative details (those have tendency to fall off), and with small heels.

Choose shoes that match your figure

It is very important to consider your figure type when choosing shoes. Large women are not advised to wear shoes with stiletto heels. Those women will look much better in shoes with massive and stable heels. Shoes with decorative straps and laces will undoubtedly attract attention of passers, so you will need to have good pedicure when wearing them. Bright horizontal straps will visually shorten legs, while beige sandals will make them look longer.

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