Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Poker Face Full Of Hot Topics Per TMZ

Charlie Sheen might not be out of a job for long ... TMZ has learned he's been offered a job directing a porno that's slated to star THREE of his ex-lovers.

Vivid Entertainment head honcho, Steven Hirsch, fired off a letter to Sheen ... asking him to take the helms of an upcoming skin flick titled, "Two and a Half Women."

We're told Charlie's lady friend Melanie Rios is tentatively set to star in the movie ... along with Cassandra Cruz and Elizabeth Ann ... two porn stars who have each claimed to have had intimate warlock relations with Charlie in the past.

In his letter to Sheen, Hirsch insists Charlie would have full creative control of the flick -- "scenarios, positions, etc." -- and notes, "The fact that you are the ultimate connoisseur of adult films would definitely work to your advantage."

No word on how much cash is on the table. So far, we're told Hirsch has yet to hear back.

Sources directly connected to Mel Gibson tell TMZ ... he's aware he's going to be charged with a crime, and is "agonizing" over the prospect of putting his family through a public, knock-down, drag-out trial.We're told Mel is confident he will only be charged with a low-level misdemeanor. Nonetheless, he is uncertain if he has the stomach to endure a 1-year legal fight and is worried about the impact it will have on his children.

As TMZ has already reported, Mel will be criminally charged with a misdemeanor over the January 6, 2010 blowout between him and Oksana Grigorieva.

We're told the D.A. will file charges against Mel this week -- very possibly today

Alleged White House crasher Tareq Salahi is hinting that he may SUE "Celebrity Rehab" ... claiming the show illegally fired his wife because of her "health condition."It's unclear what "condition" Tareq is referring to -- but Michaele has said in the past that she suffers from multiple sclerosis.

Tareq and his lawyers have issued a statement saying, "[Michaele] was fired due to her health condition which is a violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act."

Team Salahi says they will announce more details about their gripe later today.

Earlier this week, Tareq told reporters that his wife's only addiction was "chocolate" -- leaving many wondering why she was even on the show in the first place.

A rep for the Kamofie and Co. jewelry store announced, "We have decided to sell the diamond necklace through auction, and give the proceeds to charity."

As for the specific charity -- the rep states, “We invite the public to make suggestions as to the most appropriate charity to receive the benefit of the sale’s proceeds."

According to the rep, the auction will not take place until AFTER the criminal case is resolved "by plea bargain, or trial or some other means."

The necklace is currently being held as evidence by the L.A. County District Attorney.

"Basketball Wives" star Evelyn Lozada claims she was stabbed in the back by producers and wants to leave the show for good ... TMZ has learned.Sources close to the reality star tell us ... Evelyn feels producers violated her trust by allegedly divulging sensitive information about an illicit relationship she had in the past.

We're told Evelyn believes producers leaked the information to a female cast member in an effort to incite a violent confrontation between the two women on the show.

We're told Evelyn feels completely betrayed and even fired off an email to producers last night ... saying she wants to leave the show for good.

So far, no official comment from Evelyn.

Halle Berry isn't just a baby mama ... she's a sugar mama ... because she's PAYING for Gabriel Aubry to live the HIGH LIFE in NYC this week ... just so he can spend some time with their daughter.Sources connected to the couple tell us ... Halle paid for Gabriel's flight and is also footing the bill to put him up at the super-fancy London Hotel in Midtown while she films her movie, "New Year's Eve," in the city.

As TMZ first reported, Aubry tried to stop Halle from bringing Nahla to NYC -- but a judge told Gabriel that he knew what he was getting into when he started dating one of the biggest movie stars on Earth ... and ruled against him.

Even though she won in court, Halle agreed to pay for Gabriel's trip anyway ... and who's really gonna turn down the London?!?

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