Monday, March 28, 2011

Mariah Carey Home from Hospital After Contractions

Mother-to-be – of twins! – Mariah Carey nearly had her hands full on her birthday, Sunday, March 27. 

The babies, Carey, 42, Tweetedin the early hours of Sunday, "really wanted 2 celebrate w/us/share the anniversary! I started having contractions last night..went 2 the hospital." 

Then, she said, "They almost came on 3/27- happy anniversary in deed!!! We have a few more weeks 2 go but- wow!!!: )" 

Meanwhile, Papa-to-be Nick Cannon, 30, did some Tweeting of his own on Thursday. He said, "I am probably going to faint in the delivery room! I need to man up! Or maybe I should say WOMAN UP since they are the ones that have to be the strongest in the whole ordeal! I am in awe of my wife!"

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