Friday, February 11, 2011

NeNe under attack?

So Season 3 has come to an end! I'm happy to have it behind me. I've been hard at work, but I've obviously been on these ladies' mind. There are so many issues I could address over the past few weeks with these ladies, but I choose not to because it's easy to attack and judge! Those of you who have formed an opinion, nothing I say will change that! For those of you who love me, you will continue to do so. These ladies have apparently formed an alliance except for Cynthia who happens to have a brain of her own. I don't have the energy nor do I have the time to stoop to their level of ignorance. I understand that everything about me is under attack, from the color of my polish to the style of my shoes, because I'm a threat! I refuse to follow the leader. I am the leader! I have a take charge attitude so that makes me fierce competition. Life is about changing for the better, becoming the very best, learning from your mistakes and doing it better the next time around. So if I attack back that would make me appear low. I'm a star in the sky so I'll just stay up high because through it all, I'm still standing! Thanks for all the comments, the good and the bad. FYI: Check me out on the new season of Celebrity Apprentice March 6th.

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