Friday, December 24, 2010

$46 Million Worth Pink Diamond

he diamond is surely worth its latest price of £29 ($46) million, though it has set a new record for gems at the latest Sotheby’s auction in Geneva. David Bennett, chairman of Sotheby’s Europe and the Middle East jewelry department, when announcing the auction’s world record price for a gem, compared it to pink champagne.

It’s a rare kind, considered to be flawless, of a color described as “fancy intense pink”, and weighing 24.78 carats. The stone is set onto a platinum ring.

London-based diamond dealer Laurence Graff turned out to be the lucky buyer, having put in a bid of the breathtaking sum over the phone. Interviewed about his new acquisition, he said that he is delighted with it because it is the most “fabulous” diamond he has ever come across.

Actually the jewel’s new owner is so besotted with it that from now on the stone is to be known as the “Graff Pink”.

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