Friday, August 20, 2010

Women Work Their Way Through 21,000 Pieces When Choosing Clothes

During her lifespan the ordinary woman, while buying clothes, tries on 21,000 items and more – this brain-reeling figure has been unveiled by a survey conducted by Lambrini and encompassing 3,000 women.

It’s customary for a woman to go shopping every week, the results of the survey show, trying about 10 items of dresses, jeans or shoes. Four trips a month go to 40 items per month and 480 per year.

Of all that pile of clothing only 5 items get chosen and taken home every time women shop. Subsequently one of the five gets rejected and taken back to the store and another one lies forgotten in the wardrobe.

Returning pieces of clothing, as we see, makes up a part of the game, and the reasons behind it sound oh so similar with most of the women. They think twice about their new acquisition because they find that they don’t like it after all or the item doesn’t fit them.

Feeling guilty is another of the main reasons for returning things. Sometimes ladies find similar things to be obtained cheaper in other places, or their partner looks down his nose upon it. Or, when the item is all right, it may fall out of the ensemble.

Now and then women complain of the piece making their hips or boobs look too large.

A spokesperson for Lambrini called trying on clothing items “the best part of a shopping trip”, adding that 50% women try on things they know they won’t buy on a regular basis. Designer items that they can’t afford, outlandish outfits that incite their curiosity or just a desire to get it on and discuss how it looks on you with a friend makes a shopping trip a definitely longer and more exciting event of the week.

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