Saturday, May 7, 2011

Celebs' underwhelming 'Oprah' giveaway


Friday, May 06, 2011

"Oprah": Fourteen days and counting. I better start stocking up on Kleenex! Sniff, sniff!

"Today": The royal wedding is behind us, and just when I thought my hat infatuation (or in-hat-uation) was going to have to go on hiatus (or hat-atus), the Kentucky Derby is here to save the day! I think I look good with a little bit of headwear, but I'm not fond of the way they flatten out my hairdo and make my scalp itchy. I guess you can call it a love/hat relationship!
"Rachael Ray": Whoopi didn't seem too excited about Sherri's bachelorette party! Well, if she doesn't want to go, I'll take her place! Have you seen the trailer for the movie "Bridesmaids"? It looks like so much fun! I can't wait to party with Babs!
"The View": Whoopi got a little choked up talking about her mom, and then Joy made a joke saying "at least it makes good television!" But Whoopi didn't laugh. Later, Elizabeth was talking about it being celiac disease awareness month and Joy made a joke by asking "when is lactose intolerance month?" But Elizabeth didn't laugh. I guess you win some and lose some when it comes to comedy, but for the record, I think you're hilarious Joy!
"GMA": Okay, let me say first that I think it was really sweet the way they surprised this year's "GMA Mother of the Year" with breakfast in bed, in front of her whole family, on her front lawn, catered by Emeril Lagasse. And yes, I know it's his trademark.. but did Emeril really have to throw handfuls of spices in her face while he yelled out sound effects? That part where he was all, "Happy Mother's Day! But this celebration needs some cayenne pepper! BAM!!!" Yeah, that was a little much.
"Regis and Kelly": In today's edition of "Senior Moments with Regis", our host went on and on, humble-bragging about an Italian restaurant downtown that has created a signature dish with a signature name: "Pasta Alla Regis"! And then he promptly forgot what was in it. After a lot of hard work, we managed to learn that it has "rectangular" noodles that might be tagliatelle, and that the sauce is probably butter-based, but that it's also a "lovely red in color". Oh, and it might have shrimp Or maybe clams. Sounds unforgettable, Reeg!

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