Monday, September 20, 2010


You may think that men are commitment-phobic, but based on the research, that simply isn't true.

A recent survey of single men dating online found that:

98 percent of men are looking for a long-term relationship
94 percent of men say they're ready to balance both a serious relationship and a career
87 percent think it's sexy to date a woman who earns more than they do
79 percent of men have contributed to a charity in the past year; one in three currently volunteers in his community
75 percent of men say their ideal woman would be their best friend; kindness was rated the most important attribute in a potential partner
58 percent of men have been cheated on
57 percent of men say they believe in love at first sight
56 percent say a girl who sleeps with them on the first date is great, but not the marrying kind

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