Sunday, June 6, 2010

Beyonce Worst Dressed Celebrities

Beyonce oscarsBeyonce hit a sour note in a black and gold incarnation that was less than sophisticated. Melissa Leo did not impress, sporting bad '80s hair and a dress in baby food brown. The fit and cut of Viola Davis' dress were great, but the metallic color of Oscar gold and the shiny fabric were all wrong. I love you and your schlubby style, Philip Seymour Hoffman, but there's no need to wear a beanie indoors. We were not fans of Jessica Biel's column dress with its attached floppy half bow. And Tilda Swinton was equal parts kooky and creepy (as usual) down to her ill-chosen red lipstick. It's hard to be critical of the legendary Sophia Loren, who still looks gorgeous at 74, but we could have done without all those ruffles.

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